the important and the not-so-important, horribly conflated.

Archive for the ‘distraction! distraction! distraction!’ Category

Weekend Diversions

In distraction! distraction! distraction! on January 8, 2011 at 4:11 pm

To Watch: the hilarious new video for Destoyer’s “Kaputt,” the 70’s-sax-heavy title track of the canadian Dylan sound-alike’s upcoming LP: 

To Hear: Phillip Gourevitch, from a early episode of This American Life, discussing how Rwandan Hutus, while running from a genocide they committed in the early 90’s, used humanitarian aid groups to recast themselves as refugees and victims.

To read: Clancy Martin’s narrative essay on AA. It is exceptional for many reasons, foremost among them Martin’s ability to present all of the sides of the AA debate (concerning the efficacy of AA’s method, or its religiosity) not as a meta-analysis of alcoholism, but as a personal struggle to accept that the message or support he receives from AA shifts from meeting to meeting. Indeed, the meaning of sobriety comes in forms as diverse as the chain-smoking, coffee-chugging men and women that sit beside him.

To Jam out to: The first two singles off of the Smith Westerns’ Dye it Blonde. “Weekend” and “All Die Young” are just unfairly blithe—perfect pop-rock beemed down from some past or future summer, just in time for the coldest days of the year.




On Loop: May

In distraction! distraction! distraction! on May 18, 2010 at 8:39 pm

New links! Bottom right of the page.

Magic Everywhere in this B****

In distraction! distraction! distraction! on April 8, 2010 at 8:57 pm

Thank you, Juggalos. Once again, you have made me a believer in the power of “pure motherfuckin’ magic.”

this is just wonderful

In distraction! distraction! distraction! on July 28, 2009 at 7:23 pm

“i shot a man in reno / just to watch him die”:

click to watch

youtube crack

In distraction! distraction! distraction! on June 20, 2009 at 12:59 pm



Picture 3


fever ray

click on the pics for the videos.


In distraction! distraction! distraction! on May 30, 2009 at 6:07 pm



The Times has a great new blog, “Lens,” and collected readers’ polaroids for an article. There’s a movement afoot to reboot polaroid film after its unfortunate dissolution last year, apparently. Joy. You never took a shitty polaroid pic–the film was too damn expensive, the shake-it-shake-it-shake-it-like-a-polaroid picture dance too delightful, the slow reveal of the snapshot too awesomely suspenseful/hilarious to ruin whatever was captured in the cheap electric flash of the camera. Check out the article link.

this week’s new yorker cover…

In distraction! distraction! distraction! on May 27, 2009 at 7:34 pm

… was drawn on an iphone. pretty neat.